FTI Touristik
Sales campaign travel agencies
Two years after the first mutual commission-based model, the Munich FTI group is making the finishing touches. And many aspects of these final touches very much accommodate travel agency sales. The most important messages: The initial hurdle for ten percent is dropped by 50,000 euros to 75,000 euros, and there is a 15 percent commission on cancellations.
More projects of FTI Touristik Kampagne Gangway
The idea
We support the German travel operator FTI in a large B2B sales drive and develop a campaign with six ad motifs for different channels. The focus is on the sales team, which will use specific accessories to convey the respective communicative messages to the travel agencies. The minimalist design and the striking use of the colour orange support the FTI corporate brand.
The result
“We direct the FTI sales team on the various topics and FTI offers. With a little wink, they draw the travel agencies’ attention to the following topics:
Booking Egypt without worry, guarantee of commission despite low minimum sales, 10% on first-time bookings, or attractive rail and fly packages. The right accessories hint at the issue and the individuals interact with them. This concept lets us “”personalise”” the brand FTI, give it a likeable face, and bring it to life.”
Susanne Gößler
Senior Account Manager
Tel. +49 89 895622-18