Deutsche Post DHL Group
2014 Corporate Responsibility Report
Insights into a global corporation
We create the Corporate Responsibility Report for the Deutsche Post DHL Group, defending the budget for the annual report medium concerned with the essential corporate responsibility activities. This year, the logistics group is focusing on offering their stakeholders insights into the CR strategies and making these transparent. This goal is reflected in the title “Einsichten” [“Insights”] and in the visual realisation of the report. We continue the basic design concept in the online report, creating a strong visual connection between the print and electronic versions.
More projects of Deutsche Post DHL Group 2013 Sustainability Report
The idea
The title page first displays the design concept of the report: Various cut-outs throughout the publication offer actual “insights” and surprising perspectives of the different subjects. This technique offers different insights, perspectives and focal points, connecting graphics pages with photo imagery. Diverse, exciting, unique. The group and its employees, vision and guiding principles, business and society, and business and environment – corporate insights regarding these subjects reflect the group’s responsible corporate activities.
Marc Niebling
Senior Account Manager
Tel. +49 89 895622-0